The Cycle of Alcohol Addiction National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA

Malnutrition, cancer, and liver disease are long-term effects of alcohol abuse. Some long-term effects of alcohol use may be avoided through alcohol addiction treatment. The first stage in alcohol addiction recovery is detoxification. This phase should be completed with the help of medical professionals due to the potential for serious, uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Many times, individuals are given a medication to help alleviate the painful side effects of a withdrawal.

Why do people need alcohol?

People drink alcohol for various reasons including relaxation, socializing, escaping problems, etc. For some people, consuming alcohol can lead to alcohol dependence if they drink too often.

People who drink large amounts of alcohol over a long period will find that their heart palpitations and other related issues become more frequent than usual. People with chronic alcohol addiction will also suffer from a lack of energy and motivation, attributed to their constantly fatigued state (due to less sleep, poor diet, etc.). Mitchell says the findings could lead to better versions of the existing alcohol abuse drug naltrexone, which blocks the opioid response and blunts alcohol cravings in some, but not all people. Repeated activation of the basal ganglia’s reward system reinforces alcohol drinking behavior, increasing the likelihood of repeated consumption.


It’s believed that other factors are at work in alcohol addiction as well. However, this offers some insight into the question of how addictive is alcohol, and why it varies so much from person to person. Just as important as the question of how addictive is alcohol is the question of why alcohol addiction affects some people more severely than others. With many drugs, the majority of people who try the drug or use it on a regular basis become addicted to it.

why is alcohol addictive

As individuals continue to drink alcohol over time, progressive changes may occur in the structure and function of their brains. These changes can compromise brain function and drive the transition from controlled, occasional use to chronic misuse, which can be difficult to control. The changes can endure long after a person stops consuming alcohol, and can contribute to relapse in drinking. Carol’s past experience in the medical field has led to a deep knowledge of the struggles those with a substance use disorder face. She is passionate about helping people who are struggling with alcohol abuse and addiction and hopes her writing for Alcohol Rehab Guide can help. If you or a loved one is ready to overcome an alcohol addiction, it’s time to seek help.

Promises Behavioral Health Addiction Treatment Centers

You’re dishonest about the amount of alcohol you drink when loved ones ask. If you’re feeling the need to cover up how much you drink, there’s a good chance you’re drinking much more than you should. Casual drinking habits can quickly turn into alcoholism under certain circumstances. The social acceptance of alcohol can mask an alcohol problem for a while. In the early stages of alcohol abuse, you may be able to hide excessive drinking from loved ones, friends, and coworkers, but it becomes harder and harder to hide the problem.

Their brains are literally telling them to continue the behavior. Every time the behavior is engaged in, more endorphins are released, strengthening the desire. At the third why is alcohol addictive stage there are physical and social consequences such as hangovers, family problems, and work problems. People will continue to drink excessively, disregarding the problems.

Immediate Effects Of Alcohol

Someresearchsuggests that those who begin drinking in their teen years and have a family history of alcohol addiction are more likely to develop problems with drinking. Those who drink large amounts of alcohol are likely to become addicted more quickly, as binge drinking and heavy drinkingare both linkedto alcohol addiction. All three of these therapies have demonstrated their effectiveness.

Posted in Sober living.

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